Gay & Bi Men's Group

A therapeutic group for learning, growing, and connecting

Photo of men discussing at table

What it is

The Gay & Bi Men's Group is an eight-week therapeutic group where gay and bisexual men can meet others who need healthy and supportive connections in the community. At times, it can seem like the gay community is a place where one doesn't fit because they don't conform to stereotypes. Dating can be problematic, and being in a relationship presents unique challenges. Group therapy is a proven intervention that can help people see their behaviors and patterns from a different perspective; practice identifying and communicating needs; feel more confident in connecting with others; and ultimately lead to a richer and more meaningful life filled with love, joy, and laughter. Group therapy is significantly less expensive than individual therapy and offers participants a chance to be a part of a safe and confidential community in which they can develop the skills needed to create a healthy and lasting support system. We are hurt through people, and we can heal through people.

More details

The Gay & Bi Men's Group meets for 90 minutes, one night a week, for eight weeks. Sessions are scheduled late evenings. Group members are pre-screened by the therapist, and it is a "closed group," meaning we will start and finish with the same members; new members are not allowed to join mid-group. It is therefore an eight-week commitment. Be assured that the group will be a warm, accepting environment where participants feel safe and comfortable. Fees are $250 and are due up front. If this prevents a hardship, you can pay $125 before the first session and $125 at the fourth session. Contact Brian to learn when the next group begins.

What it is not

The Gay & Bi Men's Group is NOT a venue for finding a relationship; it is NOT an appropriate place to explore mental health issues that are off topic; it is NOT a substitution for individual therapy (one person will not be allowed to dominate the group); and it is NOT a group where cross-talking, gossip, or unproductive behaviors are acceptable; finally, this is NOT a group that one can choose to attend whenever they feel like it. In order to develop the most beneficial experience for all group members, weekly attendance is required.